Interview with Ing. Jan Slajer on the Topic of Dynamic Simulation

The Chamber of the Logistics Auditors brings logistics auditors together. It protects and supports their legitimate interests and guarantees a professional level of doing logistics audits. MSc. Jan Slajer from DYNAMIC FUTURE is one of its members and was recently interviewed about his way towards dynamic simulation. More specifically, about its application and advantages of this tool and trends in the field of predictive simulation.
Jan Slajer encountered predictive simulation for the first time at ŽDB a. s. where he worked at the department of central logistics. Gradually, he became the head of simulation department and started offering counseling with the use of dynamic simulation. With his colleague, MSc. Petr Jaluvka, he established the company dealing with this problematics – in 2001, DYNAMIC FUTURE s. r. o. was founded.
What Benefits Does Dynamic Simulation Bring?
Jan Slajer’s answer to this question was: “Our recent experience shows that for verification of correct logistic processes’ setting and eventually the whole logistic conception, utilization of predictive simulation is a must. When setting new processes, as well as optimizing the current ones, in both logistics and production, you are influenced by so many factors that it’s needed to use sophisticated tools for the correct setting of individual parameters. Predictive simulation is one of those tools. It’s very effective and brings quick results and benefits at quite low costs.”
Therefore, it’s possible to pre-verify the consequences of a myriad of performance solutions to all processes in the enterprise. Dynamic simulation enables to verify the consequences of change without any risks or loss.
What Are the Current Trends in Predictive Simulation?
One of the current trends in the field is Digital Twins. Simply put, the whole process is converted into a predictive model, on which it’s possible to examine the consequences of individual planned changes. One of the main benefits of this technology is that all modelling is done by the customer themselves, DYNAMIC FUTURE only creates the twin and the interface for the specific client.
Another trend on which DYNAMIC FUTURE is already working with Lanner Group (the producer and supplier of the simulation tool WITNESS which they use) are specialized applications for specific activity fields, such as manipulation processes, production lines, production planning and such.
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