Is Your Business Ready for AI?
AI is a powerful tool for increasing effectiveness and overall optimization. Most companies invest in AI in some form and the time when AI becomes a standard and an integral part of the majority of technologies is not that distant.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s necessary to implement this technology at any cost, only out of worrying that you will lag behind others. There’s a lot of variables that need to be taken into consideration.
It’s necessary to plan the implementation of AI
Implementation projects might fail because of poor planning, that’s why good preparation is crucial for successful execution. The key to success is the realization that AI doesn’t exist by itself, but is rather integrated into wider processes.
What questions to ask?
Before implementing any new technology, asking several important questions is needed. We should start with thinking about the nature of our business and related business opportunities. Furthermore, we should consider whether we have suitable resources for total transformation of processes and what the safety implications are.
It’s also good to map what data we will need and what else will be necessary to obtain. And of course, find out about the ethical impacts of implementation.
What AI is and is not good for
This question might seem trivial at first, however a myriad of companies still don’t understand what kind of problems AI is able to solve beautifully and what tasks it is not suitable for at all. Artificial intelligence is not an universal tool, therefore we need to make sure we want to use it the right way.
AI is mostly used for prediction, detection of anomalies, objects or some kind of behavioural patterns, optimization or reconstruction.
The right problem definition is essential
It’s crucial to consider what the problem is, and why we want to resolve it. If the scope is too wide, the project will probably end unsuccessfully. If we focus on the whole and want to deal with everything at once, we are not able to catch all of the important variables. On the other hand, focusing on a specific part brings better results.
Identify the performance criteria
Similar to any other initiative, we need to to determine what we want to accomplish and what we perceive as success in advance. Are we trying to achieve greater accuracy? Are we striving for time savings?
What are the capacities of the team and current technologies?
Is your business capable of working with AI? Using modern technologies requires understanding of numerous mathematical and computer concepts which could mean trouble for a lot of workers.
It is evident that before we embark on implementing artificial intelligence, we need to clarify many things. And only after a thorough consideration of the situation, resources, options and limitations can we decide what solution is suitable for our business.
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