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Our company has been involved in training in logistics, production, LEAN methods, etc. simulation etc. for a long time. In cooperation with our filial company ESCARE Ltd. we have created several educational programs and cycles which allow increasing the skills and qualification of your employees.

Lean Transformation in Practice


The companies DYNAMIC FUTURE Ltd., ESCARE Ltd., Salso Ltd. and ProLean have created the unique educational platform EDUNETT (EDUcational NETtwork for Transformation) which

wants to be an inovator in the field company education. Our first educational programme Lean Transformation in Practice allows changing your employees to leaders and they will start a change in your company – transform to lean company (more details about this study programme you can find here).


In the cooperation with our filial ESCARE Ltd. we have started again the Cycle 10 interactive trainings for production and logistics. These uniques trainings with using interactive games allow your employees better understand principles of basic methods of lean production and lean logistics. Very positive responses from last cycles and a high level of satisfaction  (94%) led us to open this cycle again.

Said about us:

BONATRANS Group Inc., Golasowski Martin – „My expectations of this day were 100% fulfilled. I would implement lean methods in our production. I believe that it can bring some positive effect to our company.“

Třinecké železárny Inc., Gembalová Regina – „My expectation of this day was exactly as this day. I am satisfied about some theory during the day but it wasn´t too much. I liked the game and I will thing about the using this game for new workers and for management.“


WITNESS training

The course is for everyone who wants to gain necessary knowledge to efective work with the programme. We offer training on two levels BASIC and ADVANCED.

Applicants for the training can send e-mails to witness@dynamicfuture.cz.

More information here here