The DHL logistics company, as the leader in the area of parcel transportation, has decided to implement augmented reality in their enterprises, doing so by using Google Glass devices in their Dutch warehouses. Various navigation systems were projected into the Google Glass devices of the warehouse’s workers, which enabled them to move faster and more efficiently and also, to dispatch (mark) consignments contactlessly, without handheld scanners, just by looking and interacting with Google Glass. During this pilot operation, 10 workers equipped with Google Glass dispatched 20 000 items and 9 000 orders in total.

The pilot project of DHL has proven that by using the augmented reality of Google Glass, it’s possible to make the picking part of the logistic processes significantly more effective by up to 25 %, while minimizing the number of mistakes.

We believe that it’s only the beginning of what virtual or augmented reality can do and expect this trend to be gradually implemented in the daily operation of (not only) logistic companies. We, DYNAMIC FUTURE, have also been working with virtual reality, using the WITNESS software from Lanner Group, and, as Ms. Andrew Aitken from the British headquarters of Lanner Group showed in his case study, with dynamic simulation and virtual reality, it’s possible to plan extensive power plant facilities with no need to test the constructions in real environment.

Source: DHL