Digital twins: Smart Decisions Faster And More Often

The long-term and stable conjunction of the companies Lanner and Virtalis brings above-standard benefits to the users. The combination of both partners’ technological background enables them to create predictive digital twins and simulate business processes in a 3D environment. Decision gamification then opens a new perspective on the current and future operations and helps to achieve the required goals.
Become The Scenarist Of Your Own Success
“The value of business data models and repositories is no longer constrained to experts, data scientists or business analysts but instead can be delivered via widely deployable digital twin applications to the operational and business decision makers. In today’s volatile world it is vital that they are furnished with decision support tools which can bring data to life in order to make smarter decisions earlier and more frequently than ever before” says Andrew Aitken, COO, Lanner.
Using the 3D technology, customers can easily control, rework and play various scenarios of business and operational processes, so the decisions they make in the end fulfill their purpose in the best way possible.
Decision making is key while building a successful organization. Gathering new findings and the much needed prognosis without putting production or logistics at risk brings necessary agility and enhances competitiveness.
Virtualization as the answer to “What if…”
Virtualization technology Virtalis combined with the Lanner WITNESS technology simplifies the understanding of complex dynamic processes, their visualization and creation of development prognoses. Predictive digital twins enable the simulation of various business scenarios straight away, so the companies can see the impact of today’s decisions on tomorrow’s performance.
So, the companies can get answers to the “what if” questions more easily than ever. Using virtualization, they can simulate business scenarios, analyze and compare the results before they make a final decision about the next step.
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