From Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0

At the CEBIT 2017 fair, the greatest international fair of information technologies, Japan presented its vision of a super smart society to Western countries. The venue, German Hannover, could not have been chosen better for this kind of event. Germany is the world leader in the field of Industry 4.0 technologies which are successfully used by DYNAMIC FUTURE as well. Implementation of advanced tools of Industry 4.0 helps to significantly streamline and optimize company processes. However, Japan goes even further and its vision of Society 5.0 is not about technologies only.
At the fair, the concept of “Society 5.0 – a different perspective” was introduced as a way to a super smart society, where a significant role is played by top-notch technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, systems combining cybernetic means with the physical world, Big Data and many more.
Society 5.0 Covers 5 Fields of the Current Society
Among significant factors affecting the current society, population aging belongs. However, the mobility of population is important as well, together with the means of living, equipment and functioning of households and many more. Therefore, Society 5.0 is not only about aging.
Now it’s already clear that, according to the Japan Business Federation Keidanren, Society 5.0 represents the fifth phase of society development
- Hunters society
- Agricultural society
- Industrial society
- Information society
- “Super-smart” society
What Fields Does Society 5.0 Deal With?
- Ministries and authorities problematics
The need to formulate national strategies and integration of technologies to the overall functioning and system optimization with the help of top-notch technologies.
- Legal system problematics
The need to prepare the legislative system for implementation of advanced technologies. Realistically, it could mean reforms of the whole system’s adjustments and increasing levels of administration digitization.
- Technology problematics
The request to create a “knowledge base”. It’s apparent that quality data play a decisive role and available technologies, such as robotics, cyber-security and other systems, like dynamic simulation, use data for decision-making and management and therefore, should secure maximum safety, optimal utilization and potential increasing.
- Human resources problematics
Education reform, computer literacy and expansion of the human resources capacity through advanced digital skills are just some out of many. It’s interesting that if a vision becomes reality, the doors are opened for specialists working in the areas of security and data. Equally interesting is the offer of cooperation to women to find potential talents. The number of jobs, where digitally educated people will succeed, will significantly grow.
- Acceptability problematics
This aspect is the most socially oriented out of all and has the greatest influence on functioning of the whole company.
Overall, Society 5.0 doesn’t just want to highlight the need for social consensus, but also change the whole view on social consequences of implementing new approaches and technologies, ethical matters, relationship between people and technologies and it’s possible to say that also the philosophical side of the issue, defining what is the happiness for individuals in society and humanity as such.
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