For the last decade, we have been witnessing a quick development of e-commerce driven by the increasing demand for a quick and simple shopping process in the field of consumer markets.

However, these requirements have been enforced in B2B as well. Therefore, more and more dealers are looking for ways to offer quick and simple options of e-commerce and shorten the standard time of B2B sales cyklus from months to minutes and even seconds.

Digitization of public procurement

Public procurement, as a common part of business, has also noticed a significant shift in this regard. This area used to be traditionally relatively time and cost-consuming. According to the study by Gartner, a group for B2B solutions realization consists of 6 to 10 people who usually gather information independently, and then they communicate with other interested parties. However, the Amazon effect has gradually been enforced here as well. There are online markets where it’s possible to award public procurement electronically. Therefore, they are able to satisfy the buyers, as well as sellers, and compared to the traditional methods, they bring a greater rate of transparency, speed and effectiveness.

However, digital markets do much more for the B2B sector. Besides clarity and swiftness, cost reduction, greater transparency and simplicity are also evident.

Transparency at every turn

A perfect overview of the whole purchase process is crucial for many customers. A recent research, done by Futurum Research in cooperation with the company SAP, found that the greater rate of transparency and freedom is the aspect buyers on B2B markets call for the most. Especially in the early stages of purchase, 90% of respondents stated the option of trying the product and its properties out as an important moment. The ability to understand the benefits of the given solution and try its functions in real conditions is crucial for the purchase decision-making process. Price transparency belongs to further advantages of digital purchases, according to the statements of 88% respondents.

Faster and simpler purchases for better business outcomes

Together with the transparency requirement, the survey shows that buyers on industrial markets are also interested in simplicity and swiftness of the purchase, that are typical for consumer markets. Two thirds of respondents put time and efficiency on the top positions of reasons for e-commerce, while 45 % listed comfort.

Consumers are used to simple “one-click” solutions in their personal lives and so they are expecting that the same simplicity can work in their business activities as well. Digital transformation enables it all. It offers online platforms where B2B markets are able to quickly and simply search, try, communicate and shop just like they need.