How was the WITNESS conference?
On Thursday, 03/26 Witness, 2015 The conference took place which was attended by participants from companies such as KPMG, Kostal CR, Linde MH, Hyundai and others.
Conference presenters accompanied us from the company Dynamic Future and guests of Magna Exteriors & Interiors Bohemia and Trinecke Zelezarny.
Jan Šlajer lectured about our application HAPP focused on verification and optimization work handling techniques. Petr Jalůvka presented the project for the company MP Krasno, where it was used for capacity planning using simulation. Jiri Holik informed the audience about the latest in Witness 14, especially on innovations in 3D visualization.
Guest lecturer Mr. Christopher Walica (Trinecke Zelezarny) and Jan Jungwirt (Magna), explained the experiences of its software Witness and familiarize students with the knowledge of the practice.
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